Friday, March 26, 2010

WOW I really haven't checked this in a while... anyways... ever since I saw the whole Harriet the spy:Blog wars thing on Disney Channel I have been dieing to start my own blog! although I'm not a spy or anything and I'm probably not going to post many interesting things and I can garuntee nobody is reading this... but I'll keep posting (:
-Sarah (:

Saturday, October 10, 2009

My 1st blog

HI!!! this is my first blog EVER and I have no clue what to do on a blog so yeah......... ok, so my bfffffffffflest!! 4eva haha beware of my craziness!! lol I LOVE saying lol alot so youll be seeing a lot of that
p.s. I luv my boyfriend!! :) and this font is totally kewl